Hire charges
Please read the hire charges and ensure you have read our terms and conditions before booking.
Main hall 17m x 9m
Monday to Thursday
Friday daytime
Friday evening
Saturday, Bank Holidays & New Year’s Eve daytimes
Saturday, Bank Holidays & New Year’s Eve evening
Sunday daytime / evening
£11.00 per hour
£11.00 per hour
£13.00 per hour
£13.00 per hour
£19.00 per hour
£13.00 per hour
7am to midnight
7am to 6pm
6pm to midnight
7am to 6pm
6pm to midnight
7am to 11pm
Setting up time to be charged at appropriate rate
(Regular users* will receive a reduced rate)
Approximate capacity: 120 seated in rows, 100 at tables, 80 + band/disco
Equipment Hire
Tables and chairs come included with hall bookings but may also be hired separately (to take off site). Any such requests should be made on the booking enquiry.
Meachem room
Any day
If hired together with the Main hall
£8.00 per hour
£6.00 per hour
8am to midnight
Setting up time to be charged at appropriate rate
(Regular users* will receive a reduced rate)
Approximate capacity: 30 seated in rows, 20 at tables
Small committee room
Any day
£6.00 per hour
8am to midnight
Setting up time to be charged at appropriate rate
(Regular users* will receive a reduced rate)
Approximate capacity: 20 seated in rows, 10 at tables
Football pitches
11 vs 11 Including changing rooms/showers and wc £48.00 per pitch
11 vs 11 No changing/showers £37.00 per pitch
7 vs 7 and 9 vs 9 No changing/showers £24.00 per pitch
5 vs 5 No changing/showers £16.00 per pitch
Training No changing/showers £24.00
(Regular users* will receive a reduced rate)
* Regular Users are defined as any group or individual that book the facilities on a regular weekly or monthly basis.
Hire our facilities
Please get in touch if you have any queries at bookbroughton@gmail.com.